

Page history last edited by Ernest Y. Koe 14 years, 12 months ago


A FileMaker® Developer's Unconference 



Portland, 2010 - Ace Hotel

Jan 21-22, 2010





PauseOnError is a gathering of software developers and consultants who use FileMaker. This is a self-organizing effort; there are no sponsors, no commercial marketing.


Cost: USD $0.00

yep, zero, zip, nada


Just BYOR (book your own room). Your room doubles as a meeting place if you choose to share something or hold a meeting.


Check out the sessions page to post a session to comment on one you'd like to attend. (note, this is completely self-directed, check back frequently for updates)



The Ace Hotel

Portland, OR

There is a limited block of rooms reserved for Pause attendees. Please book as soon as you can. Hotel rooms are limited. Tell the hotel you are attending "Pause On Error"



January 21-22, 2010



We are, in part, inspired by the various community-driven events such as the Chelsea Hotel Art Fair and DrupalCon. But, above all, we just think it'd be really cool to get together, share our work, get feedback and learn from each other. 



It is simple...


  1. Confirm that you are coming by registering We're expecting 100 people and are now a bit over booked. Unfortunately we have to cap it here: the hotel rooms are only so big and we're going to be tight as it is. What to do if you couldn't get in.

  2. Check out the Portland 2010 POE event wiki page

    1. If you want to hold a meeting, head over to the schedule and follow the instructions there (please check back frequently)
    2. If you see a session you'd want to attend, drop a comment on that session page 


Who's Coming?

This event is for FileMaker developers & consultant. In-house, no-house, indy or corporate; come with your team, or bring a buddy, or just come alone to hang out.


You can see the attendee list here:



The Pause On Error Steering Committee

Molly Connolly

Andy Gaunt

Ernest Koe

John Sindelar



Web Analytics







































Let's try not to comment on this page anymore and make all our comments on the detail pages or the Portland 2010 homepage. Thanks! 


Comments (Show all 52)

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 4:40 pm on Oct 29, 2009

**Comments should be closed on this page** - Please post comments on the Portland-2010 page.

Don Levan said

at 7:51 pm on Jul 19, 2009

I have added the outline for the Small Things presentation and a new page with an outline of the steps to set up a FileMaker server on Amazon EC2.

Oreste Schiavone said

at 7:16 pm on Jul 17, 2009


Where is the place we put feed back


Don Levan said

at 6:29 am on Jul 17, 2009

I have added a list of books referenced during the Small Things presentation to the detail page about that session.

Ilyse Kazar said

at 4:33 am on Jul 17, 2009

A mind map of the "FMP in the Evolving Marketplace" discussion on Thursday has been created and made available for viewing and community editing. Please see more details on the session page at

Jesse Barnum said

at 10:17 pm on Jul 16, 2009

Just wanted to say that the staff at the hotel are super friendly. I needed help getting my iPod to play on the stereo system in the room and the engineering guy was here in about 60 seconds with a cable and a smile. Good pick on the hotel!

Gerald Chang said

at 12:04 pm on Jul 16, 2009

during the testing session, questions came up about methodology and pros and cons, so I just added a session Friday from 1:30 to 2:30 to talk about Methodologies. no agenda, but we can all chit-chat about scrum and SDLC. :-)

Bruce Robertson said

at 5:39 pm on Jul 15, 2009

Any plans for this evening, people gathering for dinner...?

Don Levan said

at 4:21 pm on Jul 15, 2009

I am at Tekserve (23rd Street and Sixth Avenue. Only six blocks from the hotel. ) for another 40 minutes today. I can pick up anything you need if you get back to me in time.

Jesse Barnum said

at 3:57 pm on Jul 15, 2009

Andy, I brought an extra one just in case somebody needed one - come up to my room at 726.

Andy Gaunt said

at 2:59 pm on Jul 15, 2009

If anyone is near an Apple store and could grab the following I can re-imburse once here. The only adaptor I do not have for the projector!

Pause On Error

Bruce Robertson said

at 1:50 pm on Jul 15, 2009

Do we have some way to tell each other we've checked in? Bruce Robertson, room 506

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 9:45 pm on Jul 14, 2009

Hi Jesper, very nice of you to write. We'll do our best to make any resources available. This experiment (and I do love your word for it) was precisely that; it has turned out to be more than any of us expected from a somewhat spontaneous effort. But, we are glad you found us. Stay tuned, NYC is just the first chapter of this book.

Pause On Error

Jesper Søholm said

at 7:12 pm on Jul 14, 2009

Greetings from Copenhagen everybody. We're breathlessly watching this exciting experiment. Didn't realize what was going on until yesterday. Tried to find affordable transatlantic tickets, but alas, we have to peep through the holes in the fence. ;-) Wish you all kinds of success on this great initiative. Wish I was there. Enjoy!

Ilyse Kazar said

at 1:54 pm on Jul 14, 2009

wow the Rev is comin'! :-)

Don Levan said

at 12:20 pm on Jul 14, 2009

Thanks Ernest!

Steven H. Blackwell said

at 12:11 pm on Jul 14, 2009

Plan to be in full listen mode to all this fascinating information. If anyone does have any security or FileMaker Server questions, I'll be happy to try to answer them.


at 11:55 am on Jul 14, 2009

Hey Anne Verrinder ---One of my all time favorite devcon sessions was a session you did years ago about setting client expectations. You did role play (two hats) where you talked through the dev/client interaction. I'd love to hear you talk more about managing expectations and setting up that client/developer relationship to best manage issues like change orders.


at 11:52 am on Jul 14, 2009

Hey Steven Dolenski--I'd love to hear you talk about fmforums. It's such a great service and I'm wondering what changes you've seen in the people who are using it, traffic, what people are looking for etc. I'm also interested in how more dev/vertical market solutions can use your service to promote/support their products.

Vincenzo Menanno said

at 11:14 am on Jul 14, 2009

Ah yes much better did not see that ... Awesome ... for a moment I was wondering what Ernest had been working on. :)

Colin Keefe said

at 11:06 am on Jul 14, 2009

Vincenzo, have you looked at the sessions page recently? It's got a good breakdown of the slots now, using a Track A/B/C format to show what's happening simultaneously, and what slots are free.

Vincenzo Menanno said

at 11:00 am on Jul 14, 2009

I know Ernest and everyone else has been working hard on the agenda or calendar ... but would it be possible to get it some kind of calendar view to see the exact slots? visually speaking... thanks

Colin Keefe said

at 9:55 am on Jul 14, 2009

Works for me, Ernest!

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 9:07 am on Jul 14, 2009

Colin, I took the liberty to put you into the 11:15-12:15 slot on Thursday lest I forget about it later. It sounds like a wonderful topic and I am sure lots of people would be interested. Please feel free to adjust as you see fit. Thanks!

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 8:58 pm on Jul 13, 2009

Don, I got you covered, we have two rooms, we should be able to figure it out.

Don Levan said

at 8:53 pm on Jul 13, 2009

Hi All,
I still need rooms to present in for the "Small Things" presentation on Thursday, and the two brief (15 minute's each) presentations on Friday. Any body have a room I might be able to use? Thanks,

Colin Keefe said

at 8:15 am on Jul 13, 2009

I've added a session idea for Thursday: . If it's something you'd like to see, leave a comment; otherwise I'm happy just to hear all of you guys talk :)

John Sindelar said

at 11:08 am on Jul 11, 2009

I'll have a loft room available for presentations as well.

Chuck Edwards said

at 10:27 am on Jul 11, 2009

Glad to help spread the virus.
Ironically, we had a few folks who were looking into hosting a similar day-long session this summer, hosted at a NYC school. Rest assured that your timing's ripe!

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 10:20 am on Jul 11, 2009

Thanks Chuck, looking forward to seeing you there. To be honest, this started out as something fun to do among friends, but I do appreciate your help in getting the word out to folks in the area. It'll be a party!

Chuck Edwards said

at 10:13 am on Jul 11, 2009

Nice job! Wished I'd have seen this earlier, we could've announced it at last night's (NYFMP) developers' meeting the SoHo Apple Store. Will post a link on our site. Greg just announced it through our Google Groups list.

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 12:44 pm on Jul 10, 2009


Court Bowman said

at 9:03 am on Jul 10, 2009

Following Vince's excellent idea, I have shortened my sessions to an hour, which should be plenty of time.

Stephen Dolenski said

at 7:10 pm on Jul 9, 2009

Anyone looking for a roomate?

Colin Keefe said

at 2:02 pm on Jul 8, 2009

Really looking forward to this!

Side note: I'm going to take an hour or two on Thursday for a side trip to Chelsea, either around lunch or around 4 PM, if anyone is looking to take a walk (Chelsea's 2 blocks away from the hotel). There are a couple of galleries I want to stop by while I'm in town.

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 11:36 am on Jul 8, 2009

News update: 47 people have registered, that's pretty cool, thanks for spreading the word. We've stayed intentionally word-of-mouth and informal, and its great to see the response nonetheless.

Vincenzo Menanno said

at 11:38 am on Jul 7, 2009

Hey everyone, I have freed up a spot for others to also present on Friday morning from 11 am - 12 pm. At first there were so few sessions that I thought having a 2 hour slot wasn't a big deal now that I see so many people wanting to present, I figured we are all smart people and I think you'll all get it in an hour instead of two :).

Court Bowman said

at 1:49 pm on Jul 6, 2009


I have a loft reserved, if anyone wants to use it whenever, just let me know. I have a couple discussions scheduled, but any other times it's available. I'll have plenty of glassware and drinks. ;)

Micah Woods said

at 12:23 pm on Jul 6, 2009

I have a super deluxe room on Thursday if anyone needs a space to present (other than 4 - 5:30).

Ernest Y. Koe said

at 6:12 pm on Jul 5, 2009

Outside of my little session, we will have two super deluxe rooms on Thurs and one on Friday for use

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